
Considering top-quality production of Pooshan Plastic Co. by the use of expertized human resources, it is our aim to introduce our products to foreign countries in the recent years.

This goal got defined in 2013, followed by an arrangement and provision of investigative studies on high consumers of Flexible Packaging products in bordering countries regarding the cost of shipment for setting production with market demands in such countries. Besides, we have had a deep study on the probable limitations in the target markets in order to have barriers removed at the stage of production and execution.

In early 2017, such matter developed by the formation of an independent and experienced export unit granting exclusivity to some esteemed traders and businessmen in the neighbor countries.

Meanwhile, we are exporting 10% of Polyethylene, shrink and stretch films to other countries in a direct way covering food and industrial grades.

According to the latest annual plan, such idea will be developed by 5% growth until the end of the 2020.

Export department

Mr Tadeh
+9802142318300 (ext. 3140)
Mobile: +989024188887

Ms Fallahi
+9802142318300 (ext. 3141)
Mobile: +989025609638

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